Running FAQs
What's the deal with compression sleeves and socks? Should I wear them?
If you want to race and recover faster, compression will definitely help! While racing, the compression socks will increase the oxygen and blood flow to decrease the time it takes to build up lactic acid. When you wear compression socks post-workout, they will help with recovery by promoting increased blood flow to help heal the muscles.
Will there be hill work in my training program?
Yes! Why? It gives you a more explosive stride and injects some speed into your legs. Adding a hill session once a week or once every two weeks is incredibly beneficial. Just find a hill that is anywhere from 200-400 meters in length. After a good warmup, run up the hill 8-12x with an easy jog down the hill for recovery. Be sure to cool down after to help reduce soreness the next day.
How will I will build up to my long run?
You will gradually increase your long run as you progress through the training program. This increases your aerobic capacity, making you an overall stronger runner. Be sure to run your longer runs in your aerobic zone. This is anywhere from 1:00-1:30 min slower than your marathon pace.
How should I dress for weather?
Use the 20 degree rule! Whatever the temperature is outside, add 20 degrees. This is what it will feel like once you are totally warmed up. Remember that it's okay to be a little cold at the start because your body will warm up naturally. Be sure to factor in wind chill when doing this. When it comes to running in summer, BodyGlide will be your BFF!
Is hydration really all that important?
Staying hydrated is key to great training runs AND races! Be sure to practice with all of your nutrition during your training runs (hydration included), so there are no dietary surprises on race day. Staying hydrated during the colder months is just as important as it is during our hotter months. You may not feel as thirsty, but your body is still being taxed - so stay hydrated!
Is there really such a thing as an easy run?
Sure, there is! Remember to keep your easy runs truly easy. Making sure your body gets a full recovery after hard workouts is vital, and this is where the easy run finds it place. If you run too fast, then you will not be fully recovered for your next hard session. Many athletes make the mistake of running too fast on their easy days.
How can I get faster?
To work on your speed and running form, adding 5x100 meter strides after your easy runs is a great way to hit your goal. This reminds your legs to be ready to go fast after being a little fatigued. Concentrate on a relaxed and loose form.
How should I battle the running blahs?
Trust us, we've all been there. You have a run to do, and you have absolutely no motivation. Try changing your scenery. Pick a new park, start at a new location, oro train with a different friend.